Real Estate Listings, Customized Permalink Pages, and  Feature Ads

Normal and Enhanced Presence Options on
HomeList USA and local/regional
Tourism USA sites (where applicable).

How it Works:

The annual HomeList package provides a directory entry and PERMALINK page on HomeList USA, with direct connection to our international network,
HOMES NORTH AMERICA.   A Feature Ad Upgrade is a common enhancement, drawing additional attention to a listing for just pennies a day!

At minimum, a Homelist participant could simply email us a PDF brochure that they produce themselves.  However, we recommend that users supply data, images, video links, copy and a rough design concept, which we will assemble into a consistent presentation package with interactive menu-driven features.  

A standard version of this process is just $75.  
For private vendors, using an independent real estate digital media specialist is also recommended.  Please check our "Resources" page for local options and general suggestions.

A professional firm covering a diverse range of services (photography - including local lifestyle content - basic aerial/video, floorplans, print/online media templates, smart phone and social media mapping, and perhaps an advanced 3D virtual tour) typically charge $300-500 for a medium-sized property.  In any case, the expense is a tiny fraction of the selling price of the property, so represents a smart investment overall.

Enhancing presence on any of our sites is very cost-effective, through use of a FEATURE AD upgrade (a small number of featured listings shown prominently in a special section of each regional page) and the very exclusive SHOWCASE VIDEO option (limited to 12 participants for an entire HomeList site!)

HOMELIST USA AD ($80/year):

Specialized real estate directory entry placed concurrently on our national and international sites with a common permalink page (like "").   

Private and agency property sales are welcome.

Prominently placed in context just below the corresponding regional page on any of our sites.

The source directory listing is specially colour-coded as well, drawing attention to it.

The gallery image of the FEATURE ad may transform to an external video, or simply expand to its full-size equivalent.  It will also be linked to an external site or HomeList PERMALINK page. 


SHOWCASE VIDEO ($200/year):

20-second clip as part of a 4-minute feature presentation on the home page of HomeList USA or Homes North America.  Over 100 other sites in our tourism network are available for just $140 per year.

FEATURE ADS or SHOWCASE VIDEOS placed on 2 or more of our sites concurrently receive a 20% discount!

All fees are quoted in US Funds.

Development and update costs are additional, with optional in-house design and production services available for just $30/hour (in 1/2 hour increments, exluding special media rights licensing if required).

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